Saturday, 11 October 2008

Genuine Business Online

Having started my online business six months ago now, and the effort it took searching for a genuine legitimate home based business online I thought it appropriate that I should share my story to help those of you who are still looking.

Having retired a few months ago after a 40yr working life, I knew that I didn’t want to just buy some slippers and a rocking chair and, anyway, I needed some extra income to boost my pension.

So I started to do the research into starting a home based business online. What did I find? A mass of sites all saying the same thing with rags to riches promises. Eventually, having wasted money on a number of ‘get rich quick’ schemes which didn’t work, I decided to analyse what I wanted to do and what I needed from the Company who was going to help me start my home based business online.

After deciding that affiliate marketing was for me, I wrote a list of requirements:-

1)A Genuine Online Business
2) No stock holding
3) A Company with a telephone number and real people to help me
4) A professional affiliate website
5) Get paid commission on what everybody else is buying online
6) Lifetime one to one training from an Online Marketing specialist
7) Training from a Google Adwords expert
8) A Company who has a team of friendly and helpful people to assist with every aspect of running a website including website updating etc.
9) Domain Name
10) Hosting for my website

Although I wrote this list prior to choosing the Company , I didn’t realise at the time how important it is to have the ability to talk directly, on a one to one basis, with real people and particularly my marketing training tutor, and I needed him/ her to be available for a lifetime and not just for a 30 or 60 day training period.

We all know that a website is absolutely useless unless you have customers who visit it and buy from it. Just like in the High Street Stores, the more traffic that visit the store the more they sell. So with my home based business I knew that the marketing side was of utmost importance.

Although I had used a computer, I wouldn’t say I was good at it, I could use the mouse and click on the relevant item but I knew that I would need the Tutor to be patient with me. My knowledge regarding internet marketing was zero and the more I read the more confused I was.

Then I came across a Company in Swansea, Wales, a family run business and one of the first things I noticed on the website is that I could telephone them and I could visit them at their offices in Wales. That was enough for me, having read the information on the website and the fact that they were real people who I could phone and even meet personally to discuss the options open to me to start a home based business online, I was eager to contact them.

After a few phone calls with Dean and the opportunity to visit Swansea to meet the Team of Peter, Amy, Nerys, Joanne, Glyn, Chris and Dean my mind was made up and my first website was purchased in April of this year.

After six months, and with the dedicated help of my Tutor, Joanne, my home based business is making amazing money and my income has continued to grow from about the second month of starting my home based business online.

I have now purchased my second site and with advice from the Team the site is already generating an encouraging income and what’s more, I actually enjoy the learning process of marketing my online business.

Perhaps my ‘list of 10’ isn’t for you, perhaps you have decided to go in another direction although if you are looking for the whole package you can’t go wrong.
There are genuine companies out there and this company is one of them so, if you are serious about starting a legitimate home based business online go for it like I did.

Check out this Company they are the real thing!

For continued training and support and to be successful at Making Money Online give them a ring or visit them in Wales.